Saturday, December 21, 2019

Climate Change Of Sub Saharan Africa Essay - 2335 Words

Climate change which manifests itself as variations in rainfall patterns and temperature adversely impacts the economic and social survival of the majority of the population in Africa and particularly in sub Saharan Africa. Water resources, agriculture (crop production and animal husbandry), health, ecosystems and biodiversity, forestry and coastal zones are the most vulnerable areas or sectors to climate change in Africa. These are the major sources of livelihood for millions of the continent’s rural poor. Climate change remains a major threat for food security and sustainable management of natural resources. If adequate measures are not taken to adapt to the adverse consequences of climate change in sub-Sahara Africa, the region were reported to remain vulnerable to the widespread effects of climate change. If the trend is not reversed, there is predicted loss of 2-7% of GDP by 2100 in parts of sub-Sahara Africa; 2-4% and 0.4-1.3% in West and central Africa, and northern and southern Africa respectively (FAO, 2009). Sub Saharan Africa is among the most vulnerable regions to climate change impacts due to the fact that the majority of the population highly dependent on rain-fed agriculture for their economic activities as well as for sustenance of their livelihood (Juana et al., 2013). Poor performance of the agriculture sector and rapid population growth, in combination with adverse impacts of climate change causes the large segment of the sub-Sahara African population toShow MoreRelatedSub-Saharan Africa: A Vibrant, Diverse, and Intriguing Region of the World1409 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿ Sub-Saharan Africa The sub-Saharan region of Africa has traditionally been seen by the Western world as a barrier between the more civilized areas of the northern part of the continent that were colonized by Europeans and the deep, jungle regions common to the rest of the continent. The area below the Sahara desert was seen by colonial settlers as wild and dangerous. It was treated as its own separate entity, but in reality, this is not the case at all. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Morphemes Free Essays

As stated in the video, morphology is the process to understand the words and how they work in a particular language. If we examine this definition, it’s clear that the root of every language is the word; therefore, if we want to truly understand a language we need to understand what a word is. The dictionary defines a word as â€Å"a sound or a combination of sounds, or its representation in writing or printing that symbolizes and communicates a meaning and may consist of a single morpheme or of a combination of morphemes†, simple enough to understand, except for that last part. We will write a custom essay sample on Morphemes or any similar topic only for you Order Now So, to understand what a word is, we need to know what a morpheme is; here we go: a morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit a word can be broken into. Not so difficult to understand. Let’s try some examples, let’s use the word â€Å"love†. We know what love is, we can feel it, we can see it in someone else’s eyes; so it’s safe to say that the word â€Å"love† has a meaning on its own, therefore, is a morpheme. What about the word â€Å"trees†? Let’s think this carefully. We know what a tree is; we can walk to a park and see one, but â€Å"trees†? Common sense tells me that this word means more than one tree. So let’s count: if I say, 2 trees, I have one tree and another tree. We can see that the word â€Å"trees† has no meaning; instead it uses the meaning of the word â€Å"tree† to create its own definition as a group of them. Then, we can say that the word â€Å"trees† is formed by: tree + s. We know that â€Å"tree† is a morpheme (same reasoning used for â€Å"love†) and consequently, following the definition of a word; â€Å"s† needs to be a morpheme too. Now we know what a morpheme is but, why is â€Å"s† a morpheme? And that’s the next point we are going to talk about. We have two kinds of morphemes in English. The first one is the free morphemes. They can stand alone as meaningful words; some examples of them are: love, tree, house, cat, dog, fly, butter, cup, etc. We can define these morphemes as they are. The second kind of morphemes is the bound morphemes. They need to be attached to another free or bound morpheme, otherwise, they lack of meaning; some examples of them are: ad-, sub-, un-, -ful, -ness, -less. They are used to change the meaning of a word or to alter some of its attribute. That’s all we need to know about morphemes so let’s go back to the words. To truly understand the words we have to know how they are classified. Following the morpheme approach, we can classify words in three categories: simple words, formed by one morpheme; complex words, formed by a free morpheme and one bound morphemes (dogs, hats, worker, etc. ); and compound words, formed by two free morphemes (butterfly, sunlight, backpack, etc. ). There’s also another approach when classifying words and that’s the traditional approach. According to this, words have two classes: content words, which carry the meaning in a sentence (nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs); and function words, which serve to a variety of functions (determiners, quantifiers, auxiliaries, conjunctions, etc. ). We know how words are classified and what are the elements that form them, but we are still missing something: how do we make new words? To form new words we have several processes. The first one we can mention is the Affixation which is no more than adding an affix (suffix or prefix) to a word (predict+able, work+er, in+expensive); we also have the Compounding where we join two words to make a new one (rain+bow, with+out, over+do); Acronyms, formed by taking the initial letters of a phrase (RADAR: RAdio Detecting And Ranging); Blending where we form new words by combining parts of other two (smoke+fog=smog) and Clipping which is the process to form words by shortening parts of longer words (doctor=doc, veterinarian=vet, dormitory=dorm); among other slightly more difficult to understand processes. New words can also be added by popular consent, for instance, the word â€Å"coke† is used to refer to almost any kind of soda but it’s a trademark of Coca Cola Company, same thing with Band Aid which applies to personal bandages. Finally, we can get new words from other languages like: mosquito(Spanish), dime(French), golf(Dutsch), etc. And that’s it. Now we can be sure we know the entire basis about words, we can begin to analyze them anytime we want. ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Information obtained from: http://www. thefreedictionary. com/word [ 2 ]. For more infomation visit: http://www. ling. ohio-state. edu/~kdk/201/autumn01/slides/morphology-4up. pdf How to cite Morphemes, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

International Marketing of Apple

Question: Discuss about the International Marketing of Apple. Answer: Introduction: Apple is a renowned American multinational technology organization which is situated in Cupertino, California. Apple has started its journey in 1976. The founder of Apple Steve Jobs is known as one of the leading entrepreneur in the world. Apple is renowned for designing and manufacturing iPhone, iPod, iPad, Apple Television and several other products. Apple is known as worlds largest multinational information technology company. It is not only famous as a profit making organization, but also as organization that promotes creativity of their employees. Steve Jobs, the founder of apple used to believe that it is the responsibility of the organizational management to influence the creativity of their designer; it would be beneficial for the growth of the organization. According to some report, Apples total revenue is approximately $233 billion (Apple, 2017). Apple has a strong network in the entire world. In this modern era, people have become very much fond of gadgets like mobile phone, tablets and computers and so on. Being a leading international brand in the gadget world, Apple has bright future as an information technology organization (De Mooij 2013). However, it must include some strategies into its rulebook. The below mentioned article has concentrated on the international marketing of Apple Brand. It has discussed on how organizational management of Apple must implement its international marketing strategy to flourish the organization. Customer and Market Analysis: The organizational management of Apple must make an effective marketing strategy to promote their brand in the international market. This marketing strategy must enlighten all the aspects of marketing like target market, communication tool, marketing budget and so on (Alon et al. 2016). The success of every product depends on its marketing strategy. The organizational management of Apple must pay special attention to establish the marketing plan. This plan must include all the component of successful promotion. In this modern era, the expectation level of the consumers and the scenario of market demand have been changed (Khan, Alam and Alam 2015). The main objective of the every organization is to observe the requirement of their potential customers and match the expectation level of their customers. Apple has brought many revolutionary changes in the word of information technology. Apple offers its consumers a wide range of products to attract maximum number of consumer from the en tire world (De Marchi, Di Maria and Ponte 2014). The demand of iPhone and other products of apple are growing high day by day. This has provided an appealing opportunity to the iPhone makers to expand their business in the entire world. Apple, being a milestone in the world of iPhone must use this opportunity to achieve a desirable position in the information technology industry (Strauss 2016). The organizational management must focus on the increasing demand of the consumers. It will helps them to identify their responsibility areas here they must put more efforts to achieve the desired position in the industry. Being a leading organization, Apple plays a significant role in the in the gadget industry. It provides unique products to its customers. It helps the organization to earn faith of the consumers. The organizational management must concentrate on satisfying the consumers by providing quality products and services to remain in the top position of the gadget industry. In order to achieve the desired target, it is important to identify the target market for every organization. Apple has mainly focused on the urban market to promote their brand as the products of Apple are affordable only for the people with high income (Steenkamp 2014). This is considered one of the limitations for Apple. There are many people from the lower income group who wants to get an iPhone. Apple must modify their prices in such a manner that people from all over the world can afford it. It will be beneficial for the growth of the organization (Machado, Cant and Seaborne 2014). There is high competition in the IT industry. There are many organizations that give tough competition to Apple. Reasonable pricing will help the organization to achieve the desired position in the industry. Organizational management must consider the fact while establishing their marketing strategy (Palacios Fenech and Tellis 2016). The organizational management of Apple must use most effective communication tool to reach to maximum number of people. It must apply a communication tool by which the management can promote their products to urban areas as well as rural areas (Rask 2014). It will be helpful for Apple to draw the attention of maximum number of people. Apple must use all kind of new media to promote their product so it can be available for a large number of mass. In this online era, people often access their social networking sites to stay connected with the world. Apple must use new media as a weapon to strengthen their promotional events (Tallman 2014). The organizational management of Apple must concentrate on making their advertisements more attractive, so that they can attract the maximum number of buyers. The USP of the product must be mentioned in the advertisement in an effective manner so that it can draw the attention of the audiences (Czinkota and Ronkainen 2013). To expand business in the global market, Apple must make a flexible budget. It will help them to promote its product in an effective manner. Budget is considered as one of the key element for marketing (Brondoni 2014). The organizational management of Apple must pay special attention to make budget for marketing purpose. Although, Apple possesses a strong financial background, the organizational management must be careful while making marketing budget (Astuti, Silalahi and Wijaya 2015). In spite of promoting products in the new media, organizational management of Apple must focus on organizing promotional events in the metropolitan cities of various countries. It will be helpful to reach to maximum number of potential consumers (Son, Lee and Kim 2015). SWOT Analysis: Strength: Apple has sufficient resources like human resource, cash which will be beneficial for the effective marketing plan and the development of the organization. Apple is renowned organization in the world of information and technology. It helps the organization to draw the attention of large number of consumers. Apple is known as one of the highest profit making organization. It possesses sufficient financial support. Weakness: One of the major weaknesses of Apple is its pricing structure. The price of the Apple products is high and only affordable for the high income group. Apple often faces tough competition due to this issue. Opportunities: There are various opportunities Apple possesses. Some of them are as follows: The market of iPhone is expanding. It is one of the major opportunities for the organization to earn huge profit and put a strong foot print in the iPhone industry. The interest of the consumers has been shifted from the ordinary mobile phone to iPhone. In this modern era, people have become very much fond of new technologies. iPhone are being preferred more over other smart phones in recent time. This has provided a great opportunity to the Apple. The primary consumers of Apple are the high income group and the youth. Both are fond of new technologies and smart design. Threats: Apple is facing tough competition from other smart phone brands. The market competition is growing high day by day. Smart phone brands are implementing new technologies and strategies to draw the attention of potential customers. This has become an obstacle for Apple. The organizational management is experiencing various issues due to the growth of various smart phone companies. Apple is not safe against the legal issues like violation of copyright act. Thus, there is a high risk for apples designs to be copied by the other brands. It may lead Apple to face some legal issues. Recommendations:Product: Apple has offered wide range of products like iPod, iPhone, tablets, and televisions. This wide range of product has paved the path of success for Apple. The organization has set an example in the gadget by its various innovations and unique product qualities. Apple is not only renowned for its new technology based gadgets. Apple products are considered as the combination of both technology and style. This combination is the USP of Apple. The unique designs of the products have made Apple the most preferred brand among the consumers. Place: The European countries will be suitable for Apple to promote its products as the market of European country is extremely competitive and the products of Apple are affordable for the European customers. Price: Apple must pay special attention to the product pricing as the prices of its products are too high to afford for everyone. The management must make their price reasonable so it can be achieved by all kind of people. It will be beneficial for the growth of the organization. Although, the primary customers of Apple are from high income group, there are some people who possess the dream of having an iPhone but due to the high price of the iPhone they fail to buy it. This is harmful for the growth of Apple as well. Apple must consider these factors while establishing their organizational strategy. Promotion: Apple must use all form of new media to promote their brand. It has become very important for every business organization to use social media as a tool for the marketing purpose. It helps the organization to attract huge audiences. Apple must promote their products on the social media and other digital media. The organizational management must concentrate on making their advertisement more attractive so it can put a strong footprint among the consumers. It can organize promotional events for its products in the metropolitan cities. Apple can organize various promotional events in the shopping malls, schools, colleges and offices. Such practices will help the organization to attract many young people as well as gadget lovers (Tallman 2014). Conclusion: As per the previous discussion, it can be stated that although Apple is leading name in the world of iPhone, it must focus on some issues to expand its business in the global market. There are many other companies in the information technology industry that are giving tough competition to Apple in terms of popularity and price. The organizational management must consider the fact while establishing their marketing strategy. There are many key factors that need to be highlighted in a marketing strategy like- target market, product pricing, communication medium, marketing budget. The organizational management of Apple must concentrate on these factors to attract a large number of potential buyers from the entire world. The success of every product is highly dependent on the effectiveness of its marketing strategy. There is a stiff competition in the market. In order beat the rivals and achieve the desired target Apple must focus on making an effective marketing strategy. 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